

哈维穆德学院(Harvey Mudd college)是一所私立文理学院,位于美国加利福尼亚州的克莱蒙特市,隶属于克莱蒙特五校联盟。这5所学校分别为: 哈维穆德学院、 克莱蒙特研究生大学 (Claremont Graduate University)、 戴维斯·普莱斯纳学院(Davis Price College of Engineering)、 马里波恩学院(Marlboro College)和 奥伯尼学院(The OberlinCollege)。这些院校风格各异,但有一个共同的目标——教育本科生和研究生,授予学士及博士学位。

学校占地100多英亩,距洛杉矶大约45分钟的车程。校区内有一座艺术博物馆、两个网球场和一个游泳池。校园内有宿舍,供留学生居住。大多数学生住在宿舍里,学校共有962个住宿单元。 除了住宿条件外,学校的其他生活设施也很完善。校园里分布着四个餐厅,一个咖啡厅和一个市场。学生还可以在校园外的学生公寓里自己做饭。





虽然学校地处郊外,但由于费城交通发达,乘坐校车或者学生自己的汽车来到费城市中心仅需要20分钟。此外,学校东边不到1英里就是Valley Forge国家公园。

Harvey Scott was born on May 17, 1733 to Scottish immigrant George Scott and his English wife, Sarah Harvey (Scott). He grew up in Pennsylvania Dutch area, although he never spoke the language. When he was still a young man, Scott became good friends with William Penn, son of the colony's founder William Penn Sr., and subsequently, he became a well known Quaker. For his service to the church, he was known as an Elder and Trustee.

Despite never attaining wealth, Scott was a large land owner. His first significant piece of land was purchased in 1761, when Harvey and William Penn joined together to purchase 4,900 acres (20 km2) in Valley Forge. Scott would later acquire another 500 acres (2.0 km2) on the Schuylkill River, where he built a 3,500-square-foot (330 m2) farmhouse, where he lived the remainder of his life. Harvey Scott died on February 5, 1814.

In his will, Scott bequeathed 70 acres (280,000 m2) of his land, and $10,000 in bonds, to the Religious Society of Friends, on condition that they build a seminary for the education of Quaker children. Four years later, funds raised by Quakers from all over the United States brought the original endowment (roughly $150,000) to $250,000. Construction of the seminary was completed in 1832, with the first session being held in December of that same year.

On June 13, 1871, it became the first Pennsylvania institution to be granted full academic freedom by an act of the Pennsylvania General Assembly. In 1908, the school moved from its original center in the village of Haverford to its present location 1 mile (1.6 km) away on Haverford Road. With a bequest from Edward Shippen Lewis and his wife, Elizabeth Cadbury Lewis, a new library building was dedicated in 1909. With the construction of Hargreaves Gymnasium in 1918, the school changed its name to Haverford College, becoming the fifth-oldest institution of higher education in the United States to bear the name of college.
