2、Pencil in and/or circle the answers by writing letters in the boxes and/or drawing a line through a letter as shown in your IELTS book and on the answer sheet. 在答案卡上填写答案时,既可以将答案大写字母写在对应的空白方框内,也可以直接选中选项字母画圈。大家要注意将字写在方框内,如果写在方框外,答案也会被视作无效。
3、Use only one letter to answer each question. Write or circle the letter which corresponds with your answer.
答题时,每个问题只选一个答案。一定要将正确答案对应的字母写上或画圈,而不是题目本身。举个例子,如问题题目为who? 选项中A. John B.Mike,即使你看到了John,也不能将John写上,而要写上A或者给A画圈。
5、For the Reading or Listening module, if your answer is incorrect, you will receive no marks. You will not lose marks for incorrect answers. So, even if you are unsure of your answer, it is better to guess than leave the answer blank. 无论选错答案还是留空不答,都将会被扣分。因此在听或读的考试部分,即使对自己的答案没有把握,也要答上一个,千万不要空着不答。