

以斯坦福大学为例,介绍其商学院的PhD 项目。 Stanford GSB 的 PhD in Management 设立的目标是“为有志于成为学术界领导者的杰出人才提供机会”。该项目每年录取大约十人,属于 small by design 的项目,因此学生能在教师指导下获得足够的关注。

项目的核心包括两个部分: 第一个是研究论文(dissertation)。所有学生要在四年的时间里完成一篇包含原创研究的论文。虽然研究的主题可以是任何管理相关的主题,但 Stanford GSB 本身在创业、人工智能、优化和决策等领域都具有强大的实力,过往学生的选题也大多围绕这些方向展开。 在论文写作的过程中,学生会接受多次的评审和反馈,以保证论文的质量。如果学生在第四年时还没能完成答辩,那么就必须撤题或者延长学习时间来完成论文。

第二个是核心课程(core curriculum)。所有学生都需要修读十门左右的核心课程,内容涵盖策略、组织行为学、决策、计量经济学等学科基础理论。 除 core coursework 以外,学生还需要修读三门选修课。这三门选修课分为两大类,一类是商学院其他各个专业所开设的课程,另一类则是由其他学院如计算机学院、工程学院等所开设的课程。 除了必修的课程之外,学生还要开展自己的研究,并撰写 dissertation。为了支持学生的研究,学校提供了丰富的资源,比如一个由 20 多名研究人员组成的强大的研究团队,以及 180 多个由本科生和研究生组成的课题研究小组。

除了强大的师资团队外,学生还能够享受诸多资源和福利,包括全球范围的网络和一个庞大的校友网络等等。 作为顶尖名校,入学竞争非常激烈。以 2017-2018 年秋季入学为例,申请人数高达七百多人,而最终只录取了十人。从往年的数据来看,中国申请者所占的比例并不算高。不过,能够被录用的同学大多数都是来自 top985 院校,且有不错的 GPA 和托福成绩。


PhD is a terminal degree in US. You can't earn any other PhD after this doctorate of philosophy (or DBA) that requires you to complete the same level of work and have your research published by peer-reviewed journals or presented at conferences. There are several schools with MBA/MSF programs where I know many students enroll on an OPT, so they don't need F1 status for their courses as it will be considered short term study program.

There may not be much difference between these 2 tracks but MSFs tend cost less than MBA while being more flexible due to part-time enrollment, which means fewer hours per session. They won't require GRE scores if you have GMAT because they do not take into account GPA from undergraduate institutions(the minimum requirement)in admissions process. All applicants must possess at least one year experience working full time in finance industry prior to applying, and all candidates who wish to apply for OPT positions should have a valid employment offer with sponsor approval letter provided by prospective employer upon acceptance notification.

For those whose interest lies only on earning money right away, master’s degrees like MSF(Master of Science Financial Engineering) would serve better; For people seeking career change, EMBA(Executive Master Of Business Administration )with specializations in fields such as accounting management、entrepreneurship development etc also deserve consideration too!
