

先占个位,过几天有时间详细说。 我是10月底提交的DS-160表和签证申请,12月初面试的,之前已经去过两次美国了(旅游+探亲)。所以这次算是第三次赴美签证了吧。。。因为第一次去是跟团去的,而且是跟团的最后一批,所以并没有真正面签,直接被送进了美国大使馆里。第二次是11年底去的,跟团去的旧金山,面签了,但只问了几个简单的问题就通过了。 所以我的签证官应该还记着我吧,呵呵呵。。。不过我猜他们可能不会记得每个签证申请者。 我的面签是在北京大使馆里的那间,不知道题主申请的是哪间? 在等待的过程中看到好多人被美国大使馆遣返了。听说是因为他们在签证的时候说谎,被发现了。也有很多人被拒签了。 我当时在使馆门口排队排了两个多小时才轮到我,然后面见了两个签证官,都是白人老头。

我进去后,一个签证官让我坐在了桌子上(桌子比板凳高很多的那种),然后就开始问问题: V: What is your name? Me: XXX (name in Chinese). V: Do not use your Chinese name, please give me your English one firstly. So what do you want to call yourself today? Me: It's like this…… (I gave my full name and surname including middle names which were written clearly on the visa)。

V: Your second name is Zheng? Is that correct? Me: Yes, sir! V: I see it does say "Zheng" there。 Then he put down his piece of paper and said something about my passport, asking whether there was a picture inside or just stamps(the answer is yes)。 Then he asked for my college name again、and finally my work place now。 I told them everything exactly as they are written on my ID card/passport, including address of my old workplace where I got married last year but no longer live at all。 And when talking to him, I kept smiling all the time so as not to look too serious or anxious because we both knew why I went back after being away for ten years already even though I did have good reasons…

He looked through my documents carefully then handed them back to me while saying: Have a nice trip! When I picked up those papers from him, suddenly felt like giving him a big hug~~~ Finally I thanked him very much, left the office, walked out of the building with smile still intact on face... Now waiting for my visa to be issued by the embassy staff before I can go home! But probably won’t have to wait long since China-U.S. relationship has become better than ever lately due to Obama's visit.


1. 个人认为,对于B类非移民签证,办理流程是相对比较简单的; 2. 如果您有在美国工作的经历(工作许可或劳工证明的),相对简单;如果无,则需要提供更多的证明材料来证明自己会受雇于美企,并确实会在美就职;同时还要考虑是否会被拒签、以及哪种可能更大一点(例如申请人因其他原因被拒签过多次的,则再次申请时极有可能被拒绝)等情况来做相应的准备; 3. 对于C类非移民签证来说,需要准备的材料会更复杂一些,包括在美居留期限及是否有担保人等等。
