

1. 护照原件及复印件;

2. 照片两寸白底,彩色近照;

3. 在职证明原件(中英文各一)及单位的营业执照副本的复印件加盖红章;

4. 存款证明或银行流水,至少六个月的记录,余额5万元以上;(如提供父母名下财产也可);





9、申请人及其家庭成员在中国任何一家银行的银行存款历史 six months' bank statement history (with photos and names in Chinese): This should show that the applicant has sufficient financial means to support him/herself during their period of study, including a minimum balance at all times of RMB 10,000 per person which could be from savings but may also include funds held in the form of fixed deposits or any other investment products with the same value. The original document is required for verification, while photocopies are acceptable as a supplementary attachment. For applicants who have had no bank account since arriving in China, they need to provide an explanatory letter signed by both parents stating why there was not sufficient money deposited into it before coming here. If only one parent is available , he / she needs to explain in great details on this issue. In addition, we recommend you to keep your bank statements in order to avoid unnecessary inquiries when applying for visa extension after you arrive Australia. However, if you do intend to open a local bank account overseas, please be advised that opening such accounts takes time so that its effect cannot take place straight away. Therefore, you would still need to have enough cash or deposit into existing foreign bank accounts until you can withdraw your first salary. And don’t forget to write down your Australian BSB number! Please attach one recent passport-sized photo each for yourself and for spouse, along with two copies of the same photograph each. These will help us make sure the information shown matches with what we see on our file and facilitate immigration clearance upon arrival in Australia. Note: We kindly remind everyone who intends to apply for a student visa that under current requirements, you must hold a valid health insurance policy covering medical expenses up to AUD $100,


1. 签证申请表(需要填写的内容很多,要认真、仔细的填写)





6.资产(房子车子的)原件和复印件,包括存款和流水对账单等; 以上六份是办理签证时需要准备的资料,至于怎么申请,建议去网上搜搜攻略吧... 祝一切顺利!^^
