


1. 牛津大学(所有学院都开设商科课程!)

Economics for Management Studies MSt (MSc) In Economic Research MPhil/PhD (这两个是Research的,本科一般是申请不到,但如果有很好的PS和推荐信以及优秀的成绩还是有希望的哦~)

Oxford's two-year MSc in Financial Economics is an advanced degree designed to prepare students for research or for careers in international financial centres and institutions, including banks, finance houses, hedge funds, private equity firms, policy-making bodies such as the Bank of England and central governments, and also academia. It comprises a core set of courses and optional modules that may be selected from other Oxford programmes, giving our students broad exposure to key topics in both economics and finance, along with analytical skills applicable across disciplines. The course is taught by the same faculty who teach at undergraduate level,所以教学质量方面完全有保障啦^^

除了以上两个专业的课程设置需要参考之外呢,这里分享一个有趣的小知识~牛津的每个专业基本上都有一个核心课程叫做‘Introduction to Economics’,这个课是必选的(除非你已经修过相当水平的课程并且达到一定分数,但是一般不给免!),内容都是经济学的基础知识,比如说微观economics,博弈论等等。每个学期开始的时候老师会让大家随机分组(保证每组人数相等)然后每一组会有一个主题,比如说这个学期研究汽车产业,下一个学期研究能源政策之类的。每堂课老师都会让每组学生发表自己的看法,进行讨论,然后再分享一些最新的研究文献。虽然叫introduction,实际上这个课程学习的内容深度还是很深的,而且由于是必修所以不能pass啊,必须要通过考满分(100分)才能够获得学分!不过大家也不要被吓到,这门课虽然难,但是只要认真学了,理解知识点并加以应用,其实没有很难,只是需要花时间和精力。

2. 剑桥大学(只了解经济学院) Cambridge is very much like Oxford (and indeed England generally) in that it has no ‘common’ first year---its degrees are entirely tailored to individual student’s needs and interests, so its pre-master’s programme cannot be seen as a general introduction to Cambridge’s way of teaching, although there will certainly be some overlap with Oxford.

The most similar thing about Cambridge’s pre-masters is perhaps the rigour of the examinations and the breadth of coursework; this makes it more challenging than Oxbridge offers but still not as demanding as reading law or medicine.

3. UCL(只了解BSG) UCL的pre-master's course is called 'Business, Social Sciences and the Environment'(简称 BSG), and is split into six separate but interrelated strands: business, economics, history
