一般学校的地址是这样写的: 学校名称+城市或者镇的名字(注意不是街道!)+邮编+区号[区号和邮编一定要写对,否则信件会退回来]+国家[英�国]+电话号码。 例如:University of Cambridge,Cambridge,CB3 OHE,United Kingdom 写邮件的时候,收件人的姓名和地址可以这样写: To: 姓 名 email address(es)
From: 姓 名 email address Date: 日-月-年 Time: hh.mm
Subject: 主题
Example: Dear Professor Smith, I am writing to ask for your help with my project on the history of artificial intelligence in Britain during the second half of the twentieth century. Could we meet sometime this week to discuss it? Yours sincerely, John Smith 希望对你有帮助~