

1. 荷兰本科,商科多数是3年制,个别是4年(如EMLYON 的BBA)。 2. 荷兰的研究生,包括硕士和博士,都是2年。 3. 在荷兰高校毕业,拿到的学位有两种,一个是Hons,一个是Master。 Master 是纯学术型的,需要写论文,拿到的是研究型学位;而 Hons 是不需要写论文的,拿到的是实践型学位。一般来说,在荷兰读研的同学都拿的到Masters,只有非常优秀的同学才能拿到Hons。

两种学位的区别在于: MAsster=Postgraduate Diploma (PGD),一般毕业后拿到的是这个证书,说明你是符合学历条件的毕业生,但是在学位证上面不能体现你是“Masters”。 而 Honos= Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE),一般毕业后拿到的是这个,说明你在某一学科上有很好的研究能力,但是达不到硕士学位的要求。 这个在学位证上会有体现。

总体来说,不管是哪种,在欧盟国家,你的学位证书都可以享受一样的待遇。比如你在荷兰毕业的Masters 可以像在英国读完的Masters一样,回去申请PhD,或者像在德国学完的专业去法国找相关的工作。而在英国完成本科,想去德国读研的话,因为德方认为你本科学位不够,是不能直接申请的,必须从Master读起。当然,这种待遇也取决于你毕业学校的影响力和你在学校的成绩表现。


我是在阿大(Erasmus),两年制master。 专业的话是会计与金融专业(MSc Accounting and Finance) master's degree in the Netherlands is typically a two year Master. In Holland to work in your field you need an MSc/MA level education (not just BA), so I think that means there are some jobs out there for us already too.

In my opinion it’s not as good of a value compared to doing this course at home though. The cost savings would be enormous if we were going back from Europe or USA, but now I am happy with what i got here. And the fact remains our tuition fees will never get cheaper than €15000+ per year…..or anything less than £8k……I know everyone wants cheap courses, but when these days you can do bachelors degrees online from places like Capella University in America who won’t charge you more than $399 dollars per month for their bachelor courses——then yes you want something affordable, but then again if you pay for all those other years upfront...you don’t have much left over. Or else you go to Australia where they still require English language certificates for foreigners to enter, and then suddenly you find yourself paying up to about AUD$27000! And forget about getting money off on student loans because even after you graduate in Europe, you aren't necessarily entitled to them by EU regulations——it was only until recently that British students started having access to financial help towards higher education –- before, they had to use scholarships and government funding which has been reduced considerably since 2010.

