

1、McMaster University 麦克马斯特大学 医学院是2006年起与奥克拉荷大学的医学院合并的,原麦克马斯特大学医学院于2005年在世界医学院排名第八位,有179年的建校历史。

2、University of Toronto 多伦多大学 医学院是北美最大的医学院之一,其教学医院(多伦多综合医院)也是世界上最大的综合医院之一。医学院位于市中心,交通便利,周围各类商店应有尽有。

3、University of Alberta 阿尔伯塔大学 本校医学院前身为1878年创办的教会医院,1908年成为高等学府。目前拥有学生4000余名,每年招收约100名国际学生,并设有从预科到研究生不同层次的培训项目。

4、Queen's University 女王大学 医学院创建于1841年,是一所综合性医学院,以眼科和肿瘤学科而闻名于世。学校拥有自己的附属医院——皇后大学医学院附设医院,规模宏大,设备先进齐全。

5、Western University 西安大略大学 医学院始建于1860年,是加拿大西部最大最古老的医学院,曾培养出多位加拿大总理以及多位省级执政党领袖。


1. Mcgill University in Montreal - McGill's medical school is ranked as the top Medical School of Canada and was also considered to be one of the best medical schools globally(QS World Rankings) until recently, with about 20% of its students being international students. In fact, this university has been a very popular choice for Chinese undergraduates applying abroad from China。

2. Western University in London Ontario - The Medical Faculty at western offers an MD program that prepares you well with all of the basic core components (clinical sciences etc)that will lead you on your path towards becoming a physician(family medicine or surgery specialist)and it allows you to get involved with research opportunities too so that can make up some of your experience requirements once you have moved over there after graduation. I am not sure what their admission stats are like but my friend who graduated from here had great results when he got into his preferred residency programs back home!

3. Queen’s University in Kingston - A good alternative if McGill wasn't possible for you would definitely be Queens University; they offer two different ways of studying Medicine – direct entry and bridge year. Direct Entry is for those who already hold a degree elsewhere while Bridge Year is for those whose first option is going to universities where English isn’t spoken fluently. There is a small catch though with this one; applicants need to submit scores from either TOEFL iBT/PTE Academic/C1/C2 to meet the language proficiency requirement.

4. Dalhousie University in Halifax NS - With only 96 spots available annually, admissions to DHU are notoriously difficult especially among mainland Chinese Applicants. But despite the competition, this is still a good program to consider. Their pre-professional undergraduate curriculum helps prepare for the rigors of medical school by giving students fundamental knowledge, skills and values essential to successful performance in professional life overall!

5. LUMS in Mississauga
