谢邀!这是个很好的问题,让我可以顺道来推荐几本好书。 加拿大地广人稀,大约1/6的国土被湖水覆盖。据统计,全国约有3.7万多个人工湖泊和超过20万个河流与冰川堰塞湖,这些湖泊构成了丰富的水资源,为众多鱼类、鸟类以及哺乳动物提供了良好栖息环境。
除了众所周知的五大湖区(Ontario的尼亚加拉大瀑布就位于该省)之外,小冰河时期形成的哈得逊湾是加拿大最大的天然淡水湖,也是世界最大淡水湖之一;而在西部省份,著名的班戈湖(Banff Lake)和尤尼特湖(Joanne Lake)都深藏在国家公园内,充满传奇色彩。
如果你想深入了解加拿大的水域,建议阅读: 《湖泊》The Lakes by Patricia Clarke The Canada Writers Series. This is a collection of short stories about the lakes and waterways in each province and territory——a great way to get to know Canadian culture and history. 《湖泊与文化》The Lakes & the Cultural Landscape by Janet Birkhead Explores how humans have interacted with our landscape over time—from prehistoric fishing camps to pioneer settlements and modern tourist resorts. It's an ecological and historical approach to our lakes that looks at their evolution and how we have impacted them. 《加拿大生态》Canada's Ecological Regionsby J.B.C. Baillie This book was published in 1984 as part of the National Parks Series but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for park-goers looking for current information on habitats and ecosystems inside our national parks. Still, the book provides valuable context on how our landscapes have changed overtime due to different species becoming extinct or adapting to new conditions.