一般3-5个工作日可以收到通知,从被通知去取护照开始计算时间的话,基本都在一周以内。 不过也有极个别的案例在收到的通知里面会明确写着需要等待的时间为多久(一般是两周),那么在这种情况下就是还需要再加两周才能收到护照。 比如我女儿是4月7号收到面签通过的通知的,通知里说她的护照会在三周内寄到北京的地址。但是到了4月20日还没有收到护照,于是就给美国大使馆发了邮件询问情况。
当时我是这样写的(英文):Dear Sir/Madam, My daughter received her visa approval letter on April 7th. According to the email she got from VFS GLOBAL WEBSITE, it will take around three working weeks for us to receive our passport back in Beijing China(from March 9th). But we haven't seen any mail or parcel delivered to our address till today (April 20st), which is already more than 1 week after the due date, and almost double of what was stated in that email from US Embassy in BEIJING(VFS Global Website: Passport Receipt & Delivery Information ) Please check with your colleagues if there are delay in processing my son’s application at the U.S Consulate General In Guangzhou, since his interview time slot was two days before mine while he did not have any medical examination. Thank you very much! 当天就收到了回复信(也是英文),内容如下: Dear Mr Li, Thanks for expressing interest in the status of your passport. As per your request I am sending a copy of your passport receipt notice herewith by e-mail so that the details do not appear as confidential information online. We expect to deliver your passport within one business day following the confirmation of delivery instructions to the Vfs global office handling your case. You should then be able to track its whereabouts via their website: http://vfsglobal.com 。 For future reference, please feel free to contact me directly whenever necessary by clicking this link: https://china.usembassy-china.org/contact-us , leaving detailed message including your name, phone number, and the best way to reach you, ideally during American normal business hours (Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM) If need be, I would also gladly call you when available. Hope this helps! Sincerely Yours, SENIOR CLERICAL SPECIALIST