其实,在签证官的眼里,没有所谓的撒谎。 所有的申请材料,都是申请人在自己能力范围内提供的最完整、准确的材料。
申请人能做的就是尽可能的提供真实完整的资料来帮助签证官了解他们是否具有移民倾向,而签证官也会综合各方面的信息来判断申请人是否符合入境标准。 所以当您被问到的时候,不要回避或闪烁其词,要诚实的说出您的观点,同时也要注意措辞和表达方式。
那么到底该怎样来回答问题呢? 1. 如实回答,注意态度! 2. 如果无法给出确切的答案,就告诉签证官“I really don’t know”或者“Please give me a second to think about it”,而不是直接说“No answer/Sorry, I can not say that"之类的话。
3. 如果确实不知道该如何回答的话,可以采用一些非正式的、解释性的话语来补充说明你的意思,但切记一定要语气谦虚,而且不能使用模棱两可的回答(例如含糊不清的数字、不确定的时间段等)。 举一个例子帮助大家更好的理解一下,如果您正在申请F1签证,并且是第一次入境美国读书,那么面试官一般会问这样一个问题: “You are going to study in the X university for one year, what will you do after graduation? ” 此时您应该用一种轻松随意的方式来说明自己的情况,比如可以说“Well, at first ,my plan is that i'll stay here and find part-time job or internship as much as possible so that i could have more chances to learn English.Then maybe i will go back China if i get some chance from my employer, because there still need lots of things waiting for doing! You see, now Chinese market has been very big and interesting which attracted many foreign companies come into this field, like Microsoft , IBM etc...Besides, china also needs talented people! So why just want be an English teacher all life long?”