

“什么是诚实签证?” 这是我在美国大使馆的网站上看到的,是申请F1学生签证时的问题列表之一: “What is a 'cheating' visa?" “What are the grounds for denying an F-1 student status? "Cheating," in this context, refers to fraudulent statements on immigration forms or other documents when applying for admission into the United States. Cheating can also mean that information provided by the applicant at the time of application was not accurate and subsequently changed. Examples would include omission, falsification,or submission of false documentation as noted below: *Inaccurate information presented during any part of the visa appointment process including interviews with Consular Officers; *False claim to be pursuing academic studies rather than engaging in unlawful employment; *Providing incorrect name, date and place of birth, social security number, contact information or nationality of parents or legal guardian; *Misrepresentation regarding whether the applicant has been arrested or charged with a crime; if so, what charges were filed, the outcome and nature of the arrest;(For more details please see the Criminal History section);*Failure to disclose criminal convictions or arrests which occurred outside U. S. jurisdiction even though these may have no bearing on admissibility; Please note: It is the policy of the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) not to discuss specific case information(including whether it may have considered an application for administrative mitigation such as probation)in public forums.However, ICE will address generally the issues identified above. 诚实签证是指申请人提供不实或虚假的信息和材料而获得的签证。移民局会认为这种签证是欺骗性的签证! 不实信息包括但不限于以下几种情况:




4、隐瞒了被起诉或被逮捕的事实;等等。 需要注意的是,申请人提交的所有的信息和材料都有可能成为移民官决定是否给申请人发签证的决定性依据。所以,不要有侥幸心理,一切以诚实为准则。


澳大利亚的移民方式有很多,但是比较流行的是技术移民和雇主担保移民。其中,技术移民又包括了独立技术移民、雇主提名类和配偶团聚类。 所谓“以诚为本”就是申请人在办理各类澳洲移民的时候需要向移民局提供真实的材料来证明自己的条件满足申请要求! 作为澳洲最为人性化的一个政策之一;在2018年7月6日,移民局也宣布将改革澳洲公民身份的申请程序以便让海外申请者更容易获得这个身份。 而根据最新的改革方案显示,申请人只要通过提交电子表格的形式,就可以同时申请澳洲国籍了。
