

Tier 1 (general) visa is for high-value migrants who are coming to work in the UK. Tiers of settlement are: Tier 2(General): For skilled workers Tier 5(General): For temporary workers and trainees Tier 4(Student):For students

To apply, you need a valid certificate from an accredited labour market scheme. You’ll also have to pay £200 application fee online. It usually takes about four weeks before your documents are checked by immigration officials. Your status will be granted normally until you turn 10 years old or till they find out that there was no real job offer when applying, whichever comes first. You might lose it if you stay in the country after 6 months without leaving legally, even with a genuine Tier 1 visa. To renew it again at later stage,you must prove that you have maintained your skills level and income as required when getting entry permission. If not,you're supposed to leave within two months unless you can convince Immigration officers otherwise, which may mean appealing against their decision. They won’t let you return on another general Tier 1 visa until three years has passed since you left the UK. And once you come back, you face severe restrictions in terms of how long you could spend here. The rules differ depending whether you were in this category originally or switched over later during your time abroad. In some cases they require you to live outside England, Wales & Northern Ireland for five consecutive years before being eligible to become citizens.

What Happens When I Arrive?

If everything goes well, you get to enjoy life like most other visitors do while studying、working or doing research in Britain.You can take advantage of its great facilities, such as NHS, free schooling etc, which means you don’t necessarily have to buy any insurance or pay extra fees every year just because you happen to hold a visa. However, you cannot access benefits like housing support or child benefit so make sure whatever money you earn meets all household bills plus provides enough spending cash for day-to-day living. There would probably be times when people around you say bad things about certain laws; please don’


我办理的是英国T1毕业生创业签,从提交材料到拿到签证大概用了20天左右的时间吧(不包括等出结果) 不知道你是申请什么类型的签证呢~ T5的申请人一般会在8天之内得到结果;而T4、T6和T2的申请人在3-7个工作日内可以获得结果哦! 在获得签证之后,您可以在英国的任何地方进行面试。如果选择在北京或者上海面试的话,可以节省很多时间噢~ 如果在获取结果的期限内没有收到邮件,那建议大家可以去查看一下自己的邮箱是否有未读的新消息提醒哟~
