

2016年新西兰统计局的官方数据是,新西兰的人口数为4.7957万(不包括毛里求斯殖民地) 然而这是包含毛里求斯的,但一般我们谈论新西兰的时候是不包括毛里求斯的,因此这里应该是个错误的数据。

New Zealand’s Population on 31 December for each year from 1858 to 2016 (not including the period 1977 to 1981 when annual estimates were not available) is shown in Table 1. The estimate of 4.796 million at 31 December 2016 is derived by adding an estimated 8,600 people to the 2015 population figure of 4.788 million. Source: Statistics New Zealand.

另外,在2017年2月,英国《卫报》报道, 新西兰的人口数量正在以每年7.5万的速度急剧增长,到2037年,它的总人口预计将达到1000万人;届时澳大利亚的总人口也将达到这个数目。

The number of new residents swelling into the overcrowded island nation every month has surged since January, with 25,928 more people arriving than leaving during that month alone – a 7.5 per cent increase.

With immigration now accounting for almost half of all New Zealand’s population growth and refugee resettlement accounting for nearly one-third, there are questions being asked about the sustainability of this level of influx. ...

In 2015——the latest year for which figures have been released——Australia granted permanent residency to 158,100 new arrivals while New Zealand did so to 96,700.

Over the same period, the number of Australians entering the country on temporary visas was slightly higher, with 196,000 visitors turning into residence.

This means that, every day, around 30 Australian citizens join their ranks, equating to just under 100 a week. And with such high rates of naturalisation, it is little wonder that official estimates show that almost two-thirds of New Zealanders identify as ethnic whites, down from 87 per cent who identified this way in 1996.

It seems like you've answered my question but what I am really asking is, if we use this data set can we make any conclusions about changes in the demographics of NZ? For example, how many Chinese do you think there are in Auckland or do you think the demographic trends would allow us to infer that? Or, say using British data and assuming these trends hold true in NZ are we able to see whether there is some sort of correlation between % white population and IQ value of regions in Britain?

No, I don't think we can draw
